
The Institute of Aesthetic Medicine… “Excellence Through Specialization”

Perhaps the most difficult aspect of choosing a surgeon to perform aesthetic surgery is finding a “true” specialist or one that has the requisite training, experience and expertise.

While it is true that physicians can assert that they are experts on their websites and in promotional materials, mastery in cosmetic surgery is rare. At The Institute of Aesthetic Medicine, our guiding philosophy is:

  • Experts in aesthetic medicine are specialists. They have concentrated expertise in a specific area of cosmetic surgery and target their practices toward a distinct and limited focus.
  • Experts in aesthetic medicine are typically pioneers and innovators which other surgeons adopt in their practices.
  • Experts in aesthetic medicine are recognized by their peers because of accomplishments and technical mastery.
  • Experts in aesthetic medicine publish in scientific journals.
  • Experts in aesthetic medicine are educators and share their specialized expertise with fellow physicians to improve the quality of care delivered to aesthetic patients.
  • Experts in aesthetic medicine lecture at educational symposiums as well as perform live surgery or videotaped demonstrations of their techniques for the advancement of the specialty.

While it may be difficult for the lay public to identify who is a true expert, within the field of plastic surgery the clinical masters are widely acknowledged for their accomplishments and are the academic leaders in the field.

At The Institute of Aesthetic Medicine, Dr. James Stuzin limits his practice to provide both the skill and artistry to create consistent and natural results.

To discover how facial cosmetic surgical procedures can improve your appearance, confidence, and total outlook on life, please call our office today 305.854.8828 to schedule your confidential consultation with Dr. James Stuzin.

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