Author Archive | The Institute of Aesthetic Medicine

Neck Lift Gallery

Before After “This patient had undergone two previous liposuctions of the neck by another surgeon which were unsuccessful in improving the contour of her neck and jawline. Following a neck lift, which shaped both the muscle in her neck as well as accurately contoured her neck and jowl fat, both her neck and jawline are […]

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Facelift Gallery

Before After “This 60 year old patient demonstrates how the cheek typically ages, illustrating deflation along the outer cheek bone and laxity along the jawline. Following the Extended SMAS procedure, the facial fat is repositioned to correct the deflation over the outer cheek, restoring the volumetric highlights seen in the youthful face.” –James Stuzin, MD

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Facelift Gallery

Before After “Some faces appear vertically longer with age as facial fat descends below the jawline. In this patient, notice postoperatively as the fat is repositioned through the Extended SMAS procedure, the volume over her cheek bone is restored and the face appears vertically shorter.” –James Stuzin, MD

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